Eureka Seedless
Eureka Seedless
Eureka Seedless
Eureka Seedless
Lemon Eureka Seedless

Lemon Eureka Seedless 500MM Pot

Seedless Eureka Lemon is the best of lemons , the fruit is an elegant oval shape , with bright yellow , thin skin lusciously very juicy with sharp acidic flavour. The main crop of fruit appears in late winter through to early spring . With little extra care it is not unusual to have fruit appear on the tree longer period of time . 

It is vigorous and spreading tree seedless eureka can grow around 4 to 5 meters in seven plus years , pruning is recommended if you want to keep the tree compact and attractive.

Growing Guide .

For best result eureka lemon require warm sunny position at list 4 to 6 hours full sun every day 


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